Our Trainers

our Team

Paapa Kweku

Head Coach

What drives me

Health and fitness is my passion. It’s what makes me happy. And the desire to change lives gives me the drive to wake up each day. Inside of each of us is greatness. I want to inspire and motivate each person to live their best life. This is what I was born to do

My journey in my youth I was very active. I played soccer, won a sports scholarship, and even held the state long jump record. But it wasn’t always this way. Believe it or not, I was a skinny little boy. I was also curious and booksmart (my nickname was the “professor”) and I was always looking at ways to be better. But what really set me apart is that my parents always encouraged me to channel my energy, keep moving and never give up. This set me up for life. Fast forward a few years, I went on to win a natural body building title, gain my Masters in Human Resources and launch my health and wellness company in 2011. I am a living example of how a positive mindset can turn your life around.

Group Fitness
Sport specific Programs
Boxing classes
Body Building
Face your fears

Your Healthyteens team

Healthy teens trainer - Kosta Drakoulakos

Kosta Drakoulakos

Self Defense Coach

Jayden Brown

Personal Trainer

Healthy Teens Trainer - EM
Jess Naylor - Healthy Teens

Jess Naylor

sherien - healthy teens

Sherien Wissa

Did you know....

  • Statistics have shown time and time again that teens who are involved in sports while schooling are more likely to experience academic success.
    Being active is a great way for teens to reduce stress and the pressures of their studies.
  • Our health programs will help build discipline. Teens will learn the joys of not only setting goals, but also feeling good when achieving their goals. Additionally, they learn that through hard work and goal setting, they can accomplish anything that they set their eyes on.
    Teens will build the understanding that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. We will teach them how to deal with the various situations in life as well as steps to deal with disappointment.
  • Students will be able to train in a safe and supervised environment.
  • Their resident trainer will be able to build trust amongst their students, helping to identify any signs of potential issues teens may not feel comfortable to discuss with their parents.
  • Teens will have more energy to engage in family activities.
  • Physically active teens are less likely to take drugs or smoke. Why? They understand the impact such habits have on their performance.. 

Our programs encourage teens to stay active outside school hours